Philippa started working in Interior Design in 2010 and her work has produced some stylish, elegant and comfortable interiors. Building on her clients' areas of interests, she always hopes the final product reflects the needs and personality of them. Art has an important role within these projects and it is always satisfying to find suitable pieces for the client and their spaces. She works with a wide range of artists, dealers, specialists in different fields and suppliers who give the client the bespoke finish that makes their particular home their own.

She studied Art History at the University of East Anglia and on leaving became involved for six years in the restoration of Spencer House, an 18th Century London Town Palace on Green Park. Her involvement was coordinating the furnishing programme under the direction of Lord Rothschild, David Mlinaric, Christopher Gibbs, John Harris and Dan Cruickshank. This gave her a deeper historical understanding and appreciation for decoration and in 1995 she was asked to become part of the Art Department for Emma Thompson's 'Sense & Sensibility'. This led into a career as a Set Decorator in film; her film work includes recreating the Charleston interiors for 'The Hours', Bacons 1960's Soho in 'Love Is The Devil' and Churchill's 1930's Heals interiors at Chartwell for 'The Gathering Storm'. All of which provided a useful resource for Interior Design.


35 WENDELL ROAD LONDON W12 9RS T. 020 8740 7845 M. 07802 160842